
Vaginal ring

Vaginal ring

This is a bit different to the other vaginal treatments listed. A soft silicon ring is inserted into the vagina either by yourself or by a healthcare professional and it can stay there for 90 days (or be removed and replaced for sex if preferred). It releases a steady dose of the hormone estradiol (a […]

Vaginal cream

An applicator full of cream is inserted into the vagina daily for 2 weeks and then twice weekly after this. It can be a bit messy, but you can also use the cream on your vulva if this is sore or dry too. It’s usually inserted at nighttime so it stays in place while asleep. […]

Vaginal gel

This comes with an applicator which you fill with the gel and insert into the vagina daily for 3 weeks and then twice weekly after this. The gel is absorbed quickly, but there may be some itching or irritation when first used. It contains the hormone estriol (a type of oestrogen) and is branded as […]

Vaginal pessary

The pessary is inserted into the vagina using your fingers, you insert one every night for 3 weeks, and twice weekly after this. It’s usually inserted at nighttime so it stays in place while asleep. There may be a waxy discharge with the pessary, and it also affects the effectiveness of condoms. The hormone in […]

Vaginal tablet

With the help of an applicator, a small tablet is inserted high into the vagina, initially every night for two weeks, and then twice weekly after this. It’s usually inserted at nighttime so it stays in place while asleep. The medication contains oestradiol (a type of oestrogen) and is branded as Vagifem or Vagirux.

Testosterone gel or cream

Women produce testosterone too, and it declines sharply at menopause. Many women find it beneficial to take a low dose of testosterone in addition to oestrogen (and progesterone).  Menopause specialists and the women they support have observed testosterone replacement can help improve levels of energy and stamina, sex drive and level of pleasure, mental focus, […]

Mirena coil for progesterone

This is a device used for contraception and for treating heavy periods but it can also be used to provide the progesterone component of HRT. The Mirena is an intrauterine system, sometimes referred to as a coil, that releases a low and steady dose of a synthetic progesterone called levonorgestrel. It is a small, plastic […]

Micronised progesterone

If you have a womb, and you start taking oestrogen replacement, you also need to take a progesterone. Progesterone keeps the womb lining healthy and thin, as oestrogen taken on its own can thicken it. Micronised progesterone is a body identical type of progesterone and is available in a capsule that you swallow. In the […]

Combination tablets

There is a tablet that contains the more natural (body identical) type of oestrogen and progesterone in a single tablet (called Bijuve in the UK). If you still have a womb, you will need to take the hormone progesterone if you’re taking oestrogen, to prevent the womb lining getting too thick and to keep the […]

Combination patches

These are similar to the oestrogen patches but they also contain the hormone progesterone. (If you still have a womb, you will need to take the hormone progesterone if you’re taking oestrogen, to prevent the womb lining getting too thick and to keep the cells healthy). Combination patches can be useful if you want only […]