

Menopause Specialist Clinic: Gyno Treatment - Private - Manchester | Cheshire

Menopause guide

Are you experiencing menopause symptoms?

Not sure if you are experiencing menopause symptoms? Symptoms and effects are unique to each individual. Our useful guide will help you understand your symptoms, their causes and provide useful information on how to manage them, plus give an idea of where you are on your menopause journey.

The guide is a series of questions about you and your symptoms and should only take a few minutes to complete and can be printed and used as a basis for discussions with your medical practitioner.

Book an appointment at our menopause clinic in Manchester, where we’ll carefully assess your symptoms and make treatment suggestions. During your visit, our menopause doctor in Manchester will ask you a series of questions regarding your mental and physical symptoms.

Our menopause doctor near Cheshire understands that all women have different experiences around menopause. The good news is that you’re not alone, and there are various treatment methods to try. Once we’ve assessed your symptoms, we can work with you to formulate a plan. Some treatment options can include lifestyle changes and hormone replacement therapy.

We want to help you live well without menopause getting in the way. Get in touch with our menopause clinic near Cheshire for trusted advice and support. Are you searching for a menopause specialist near me? Our menopause specialist in Manchester, Dr Summerhill, is here to help.

Please note

The information provided by the assessment is only a guide and not a diagnosis or medical advice. You should still book a consultation to discuss your symptoms and treatment options.

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If you have any questions or concerns about menopause, please book a consultation.

Don’t worry alone, we’re here to help.


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