
Is HRT safe?

Is HRT safe?

For most women, HRT is safe and is the most effective way to treat menopause symptoms. If you’re under 51 years, there are no known associated risks with taking oestrogen through the skin (via a patch, gel or spray) and micronised progesterone (if you have a womb). These are the safest types of hormones and are called body identical HRT. It is best to start HRT as soon as you have symptoms.

If you’re over 51 years and start taking HRT before or within 10 years of your menopause, HRT is also very safe. Taking oestrogen through the skin means there is no risk of blood clot. There may be a very small risk of breast cancer with some types of HRT but it’s important to be aware that all women have a 1 in 7 chance of developing breast cancer and your risk is increased more by being overweight or drinking a moderate amount of alcohol, than by taking HRT.

Menopause specialists will consider your personal history and advise on the safest types of HRT for you. It is important to have a 3 month follow up and then annual reviews after starting HRT. You can choose to stop taking HRT whenever you wish to.

If you have any concerns about taking HRT, speak to a menopause specialist doctor who will be able to answer any questions you may have. (The information provided in HRT packaging is often based on out-of-date evidence and can be misleading.)

Living a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, good sleep, reducing alcohol and not smoking, as well as managing stress, can make a big difference to how you feel at menopause, and there are also non-hormonal ways of helping you at menopause such as CBT.